CJ Scarlet, aka the “Badass Grandma,” is a danger expert, survivor advocate, parenting coach, and crime survivor who holds a master’s degree in human violence.
Most importantly, Scarlet is the doting grandma of three precocious toddlers. She’s helped thousands of crime victims, but when confronted with the simple innocence of her grandchildren, she felt utterly helpless. How to protect them? More importantly, how to teach them to protect themselves?
Badass Parenting: An Irreverent Guide to Raising Safe, Savvy, Confident Kids and it’s PG-rated “twin,” Heroic Parenting, is Scarlet’s way of doing just that and, in the process, helping other parents protect their loved ones too.
An expert in survivors’ rights and advocacy, CJ has given speeches and workshops at national and international events; and has appeared on numerous radio and television programs, including MSNBC and NPR. She is also the author of The Badass Girl’s Guide: Uncommon Strategies to Outwit Predators and Neptune’s Gift: Discovering Your Inner Ocean.
The former roller-skating carhop, forest firefighter, and U.S. Marine photojournalist holds an interdisciplinary master’s degree in human violence from Old Dominion University.
Named one of the “Happy 100” people on the planet, CJ’s story is featured in two bestselling books, including Happy for No Reason and Be Invincible.
Buy her books at Amazon.com OR Amazon.co.uk