Making Sense of Past Time – a Novel

Over whelming with brilliant unpretentious finale.

‘Making Sense of Past Time- A Novel’ is a well written timely biographical character driven saga which despite its problems never ceases to thrill, engage and enlighten.

Author Lawrence Taylor’s character- Harry Holmes leads readers through a survey of his own personal history by reconstructing memorable chapters flipping back and forth of his growing up days in George Town-Guyana and youthful struggling days as an immigrant in London.

Drawing out an utterly absorbing plot by illuminating microscopic view of a young boys thought process, his relation with his parents and siblings and his fantasies of venturing out of his home town in order to prove his worth, author skillfully narrates an anecdote infused history of Britain where many individuals (Blacks) had to face brutal racial discrimination and other social adversities in their working and living environment.

Compelling from start to end ‘Making Sense of Past Time- A Novel’ is a successful introduction to the concept of mindfulness of a man’s life journey and his self discovery where text seemingly blends ones fantasy with reality sprinkling culturally specific details that is sure to overwhelm and intrigue its readers with its brilliant unpretentious finale. Highly recommended to the fans of the genre, this 5 star biographical fiction is a must read.

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