Genre Featured Review

Dinner with Churchill 

A compelling exploration of the defining moments of history In this seamless intertwining of real historical events with a compelling fictional narrative, ‘Dinner with Churchill’ by author Robin Hawdon takes readers on a thrilling journey of intrigue, romance and high…

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Mothers Vol. 1

An indelible narrative of survival, struggle and triumph Unveiling a poignant story that tugs at the heartstrings, ‘Mother Vol. 1’ masterfully captures the unwavering commitment of a widowed mother faced with insurmountable challenges in providing for her children. Author Benjamin…

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NastraGull: Pirates 

An original contribution to the Dark Sci-Fi genre Deftly paced and skillfully controlled, the twisty plot of ‘Nastragull: Pirates’ is an artistically constructed saga of grit, action, and survival amidst greed and brutality. ‘Nastragull: Pirates’ kicks off with a turbulent…

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The Last Floridian

A thought-provoking environmental read Driven by a deep sense of responsibility and armed with unwavering determination, ‘The Last Floridian’ by Pete Clements is a powerful narrative that resonates with our contemporary concerns about environmental conservation. Highlighting the importance of individuals…

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Squeeze Plays

An Engaging Thriller Riddled with Deception A successful combination of entertainment and a profound exploration of the consequences of dangers that accompany wealth and power ‘Squeeze Plays’ by Jeffrey Marshall delves deep into the high-stakes world of banking, media and…

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The Pandarus File

A Dark and Enthralling Suspense Thriller ‘The Pandarus Files’ by Author Kyle Keyes is an enthralling masterpiece that showcases Keyes versatile storytelling prowess while enveloping readers in a world of suspense and mystery. This classic mystery novel weaves a complex…

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Afterlife: Cool Assassins 3

A pulse pounding Sci-Fi escapade, fueled by excitement! Quantaman’s ‘Afterlife: Cool Assassin 3’ is a fast paced, heart pounding SF thriller that takes readers on high stake- adventurous ride through a dystopian future. Immersive, in a world teeming with violence…

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