Archives Reviews

The Lion Trees

A series that leaves readers wishing for more. Moving along gradually with extraneous subplots and detours, ‘The Lion Trees’ is a well plotted 5 star anthology that captures the essence of experiences and visions well knit with complex characters of…

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The Parking Space

An entertaining combination of romance and humor. Realistic and deftly paced with an admirably developed concise style and knack for capturing emotions driving difficult times, ‘The Parking Space’ is a light yet emotionally complex romantic novel peppered with humorous undertones…

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The Scarlet Promise

Profound exploration of life and unconditional love. Based on literary romance with an emphasis on faith, family and commitment, ‘The Scarlet Promise’ by author Sangeeta Kathuria is a glittering tale of love, loss and second chances that seamlessly blends with…

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The Madhouse of Love

Non-fiction peppered with innocence and reality. Delivering an enticing past of a teenage boy, ‘The Madhouse of Love’ is a young adult read told in an unpretentious style that is tender and touching. Deftly paced and controlled, author Peter G.…

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